Blog Stats

Last week I wrote about it being the 2nd anniversary of my blog, which then lead me to look at the traffic statistics for it.

Wow, I could hardly believe it: 36.000 views a month and climbing. How thrilling to know so many of you are reading my blog.

I want to say a big hello to you all, and invite you to leave a comment to say hello back maybe (dont be shy we are all friendly on here).

I also wanted to say a very big thankyou to you all for helping to make this blog successfull.

Love Danica xxx


9 Responses to "Blog Stats"

  • Lenny says:
  • Walter says:
  • gaz says:
  • parmar says:
  • Mark says:
  • Endlessmike says:
  • Sid says:
  • Lenny says:
  • Ronald says: